The most humbling characteristic about our Lord is that He allows each of us to have a deep personal relationship with him. Stop and think about just how fantastic that is for a moment. Why would the Creator of all things want to know me? Truly a humbling thought to say the least. Just as we have individual relationships with each one of our children, our Father encourages such between himself and the believer. Even me! In the same way that we have a unique relationship with our Lord, we are also made in His "own image, and after His own likeness" (as told to us in Genesis 1:26). It should come as no surprise to us then, that our children would have taken certain attributes from us. This can be both a comforting and a sorrowful thought. When it comes to our Lord, we can rest assured that what we have inherited from him is without spot or blemish. Not so much when it comes to what we have handed down to our babies.
I do believe, however, that the Lord has a unique and unfailing sense of humor, which I plan to use to my advantage on this journey. I am a prime example of such a sentiment, but there are many instances in His Word that lead me to that wonderful conclusion .I mean think about this, has something ever happened that made you literally stop, look to the sky and say "really God?" with a smile on your face and a shake of your head ? That private exchange between you and the Lord that no one else would understand? That is what I love! Is our Lord sarcastic? I cannot tell you for certain, but He lovingly created me in that way and so I desire to share this journey of raising three amazing children up for Him while also enjoying a marriage to my husband.
I guess you can say my brain starts 'blogging' when my eyes open each day and does not stop until my head hits the pillow in the evening. My journey has been seasoned with many instances in which I have had to learn, and re-learn, how to listen rather than speak, find peace in God and not man, and remain unaffected by the world's tendency to dismiss God as nothing more than a genie in a bottle if anything at all. (Did I mention all of these are a work in progress?)
Let's just say , my soon to be readers, my brain is a wellspring of thoughtfulness and hilarious takes on life that could very well make your day- or make you feel sorry for me. In either case this could be a win win if you gain at least a smile from them.
Join me, as I take my Savior's hand and walk through the forest of child rearing , marriage building, and homemaking. Taking long pauses to be insightful and short stops to laugh at myself as I discover what the Lord has already lovingly locked away for me in His word.
Please allow me to encourage you to smile, to take deep breathes, to treat each day as a memory and not a box to cross off a calendar. Be patient with yourselves, with your children, your spouses, and with me, as we begin something so precious to me.
Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it... ~ Psalm 127:1a
Let us not labour in vain friends....because it makes me tired that's why! :) And if we labour correctly the first time, there will be more time for cookies and tea ;)
This is such a sweet, and true, introduction to you! I'm so excited thst you've joined the blogging world!